The business artist way
The Methods
The Business Artist Way fuses thought models and methods from various fields and disciplines with influences from business and the arts, and beyond. The method-mix evolves with every creation and is extended by exploration.
The methods create conditions where exploratory action is possible. This is by using arts-based learning, critical design, systematic ideation, playful experimentation, trend research, agile methodology, applied creativity and more.
The future does not just emerge out of thin air. People, organisations and institutions craft the future and have an active part in its design everyday - intentionally and unintentionally, aware and unaware.
The world is full of "what if...?"questions, full of exploration fields and untapped opportunities. They are the foundation of real innovation and progress. But it is up to us humans to actively create something out of it.
For every opportunity, there are countless possibilities for action and every decision and non-decision has consequences. But what impact do these consequences have on us, for fellow human beings - kids and adults - for businesses, for societies, for nations, for the planet? The future is highly abstract and intangible and therefore the thinking about the consequences is often neglected. The repercussions of our actions are far away and the effected people not in our vicinity.
The arts and speculative imagination paired with strategic foresight can make the consequences visible, the questions relevant and the dialogue possible. Options and scenarios in the near and far future can be experienced and experimented with. Possibilities can be tested and playfully explored. People can participate in crafting the future and in active decision making. Fears can be identified and imagination and responsibility can be strengthened.
Selected Methods
Academic & user research methods
Analysis & strategic development tools
Business development tools
Ideation techniques
Prototyping methods
Design thinking methodology
Agile management tools
Service design methods
Growth hacking tools
Personal development methods
Change management tools
Learning techniques
Selected Methods
Movement techniques
Inspiration from contemporary dance
Voice work & music creation
Poetry slam
Painting and collage work
Film making & storyboarding
Creative Writing
Improvisational theatre
Sketching & visualization
Installations, vernissages & exhibits
Performance elements
Strategic Impact
The Business Artist Way has strategic impact on organisational development and value creation.